Monday, March 14, 2011

Module Five.

I have been out for a little walk to post a letter and took my camera,as you do.I'm not sure whether to do trees or rust.I have some interesting photos of both....which will give me the most scope?

I'm drawn to the rust but part of that is the range of colours.As we have to use only white to translate the marks and textures that is irrelevant.I'm not sure there is enough variety of textures to sustain me.

The trees however ,have a much broader range of textures and marks.

These are just a selection of photos ,as I already have  lots of trees taken over a number of years.I suppose the best thing to do is to choose one of each and see where it leads.


Thimble Fingers said...

A hard choice! Love the colours of the rust, but I agree that the trees have more scope for texture. Looking forward to seeing the outcomes.

Anne B said...

Hmmm. I see what you mean. I love the rust pics but if you take away the colours, trees do give greater variety of surfaces.

Trollman said...

go for rust; check out, domonic hewitt is a fab photographer and local I think.

Fibrenell said...

I did trees for module 5 so I'm a bit biased but really your rust photos would be a bit more unusual - think of all that flakiness!

Anne B said...

Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. Screens are so easy to use - acrylic is excellent but fabric paint is better, as long as you add a thickener to get nice crisp prints. Try using discharge paste for lovely effects.