Sunday, March 01, 2015


I know I should have been working on my pieces but we also have a sales table so I have enjoyed creating these cards.

I had painted some silk and put some teabag paper underneath to catch the run-off.When I went to clear away I realised the silk paint had left some lovely marks on it.I had some Khadi paper so I tore some oblongs ,stuck parts of the teabag paper down attached some scrim then stitched by machine and hand ,adding in some beads and shell pieces to make mini seascapes.

If I had tried to create these I would have failed miserably.

A case of I must discipline myself as our exhibition comes at the end of this month.


Kentish Maid said...

Delightful - I'd definitely buy one !

Liz Hewitt said...


pascale putz said...

I love the subtle colours, Jen. Hope you'll have a lot of success