Thursday, July 08, 2010


First this is to remind me what Sian said.I had consigned these to a pile stuffed into a bag.She pulled them out and worked her magic!
Last,I did what Ruth asked and went looking for areas in the garden to relate my pieces.


Hazel said...

lovely pictures Jenn - what a good girl - i forgot this bit!
Had a great time - wish I'd tidied the summerhouse before I came!

Max the Lobster said...

Just realised who Ferinnbroidery is!! Love the paper pieces at the top and I really did like the two pieces 'in the garden'. great to meet you.

Meg said...

It was lovely to see you again Jen. Your work looks fab against the petunias

Viv Estill said...

It was great to meet you Jenn - those pieces are really well placed in the garden - well done!