Friday, July 17, 2015


I have been trying to access my blog on my computer but can only do it from my I-pad.Google keeps telling me I don't exist but they acknowledge me when I sign in!
I manage another blog for my textile group and I am able to access on I-pad and computer.Why do they mess about when things work fine?
Anyway this will have to do .........

Before Summer school I was working on seed pods having spent a morning at the reference library looking at a book by Bertel Bager,the title eludes me at the moment.He photographed all kinds of pods 

I used some of the photos as inspiration for these three dimensional forms.I used wire ,tissue and masking tape ,then tried some manipulation of fabric and stitch.

I went out into my garden and collected what was available like these iris ,rose,camassia, tulip and poppy.

I had a lovely time drawing from them using my Art Pen and a water brush.

I used some to make stamps ,carving with Lino tools,using string and card.

I collaged with found papers and used letter stamps

Took rubbings and used Inktense bars ,as the ink sprayed lightly with water then printed.

I had a lovely time

I will take this forward for our exhibition in Bristol Guild  November 2016. I think it will give scope for some three dimensional work as well as the usual two.

The workshop with Shelley will feed additional ideas since we were working with mainly natural things.


Catherine said...

Wow! What super drawings Jen! I'm glad you managed to post on your blog since it was such a treat to see your work. I look forward to seeing how they develop.

Kentish Maid said...

Lovely Jen - I can see how much you enjoyed these!

Unknown said...

Very nice article in the name of frustrations within these art of meaningful thing. Thanks for sharing.

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